QR Code Project
The Peabody Historical Society and Museum is launching a new, exciting project. The Historical Society will be creating QR codes signs for any historic buildings in Peabody, upon request, subject to staff availability.
For any for-profit company, the Society will charge $75, which includes the 6″ x 6″ metal QR sign as well as for the staff time researching, scanning photos, and creating the QR webpage.
If the building is owned by a non-profit organization, the Society can negotiate pricing depending on their budget.
For example, we now have this exact QR code sign displayed the base of the Lexington Monument on the corner of Sewall and Washington Street.
When you are walking by and want to know more about the monument, you simply need to take out your smart phone and follow a few steps.
First, open your smart phone’s camera as if you are taking a photo!
Your smart phone will focus on the QR code and ask you if you would like to open the QR on your phone’s internet browser.
Once you’ve clicked on the “open” button, you will be brought to this link, different for every QR sign: Lexington Monument – Peabody Historical Society. There you where you will find out so much more about the Lexington Monument. Now you’re a pro at opening QR codes!
If you are interested in having one for your business, reach out to Nora Bigelow at [email protected].
Banner photo courtesy of Solare Wedding Photography